Minggu, 01 April 2012

Lamaran Kerja berbahasa Inggris

Subject: Application for Employment

Dear Sirs,

The undersigned:
Place, Date of Birth:
Address of origin:

Based on the work that was published on the Stock Exchange DailyJava Post, I intend to apply for work at a company that Mr / Ms led tooccupy a position as an employee. With the provision of skills that I have them able to operate a computer, microsoft word, power point,adobe potoshop, and web design. I can work hard, diligent andhonest, can work independently or team.

For your consideration, I attach a file as follows:
1. Copy of last diploma
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Copy of ID card
4. Copy of driver's license
5. Photo size 3 x 4 = 2 pieces

Similarly, the petition I created this work in good faith. Hopefully Ican be hired for the Father / Mother led. For your attention I thank you.

I Sincerely,

Ronald Pakundez

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